Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Yellow Ribbons

I was sent an email by an MP yesterday asking me to wear a yellow ribbon!
Unfortunatly many MPs seemed to have surcomed to pressure and worn them to PMQs although I did notice a number who went in with them had actually taken them off by the time they spoke! What is it with modern British culture that demands people show sympathy (however sad) with a total stranger? Vacuant gesture politics thats what.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

City Circle

Congratulations to Richard Spring MP for organising the Conservative City Circle event last night. Almost too succesful judging by the numbers!
Osborne gave a good performance thanking (somewhat contrevercially) Howard Flight and getting a good roar for his (near) comittment to abolish stamp duty on shares. I guess if getting rid of stamp duty raises the priice of shares in pension funds it also raises the value of ones bonus! NO comittment on Stamp Duty on Houses though, a pity, the Americans declared independence because of Stamp Duty and have coped alright without it.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Gordon Brown for Britain

Gordon has a website! And he has obviously been taking his time thinking of ways to discribe himself!

"Gordon shone from an early age at school, and was a quick learner at his primary school in Kirkcaldy West"

And all courtesy of Rachel Bull of Silverfish fame - no conflict of interest there!